Wednesday, April 25, 2012

IBM Connections - CLFRW0493E: Unable to start the document indexing service

I found in IBM Connectios log this error:

000014ef DocumentIndex E isEnvironmentValid CLFRW0493E: Unable to start the document indexing service, please ensure that the PATH environment variable has been set.

After some Googling, I found this post where author set up paths as follows:

export PATH=/opt/IBM/LotusConnections/data/search/stellent/dcs/oiexport:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/IBM/LotusConnections/data/search/stellent/dcs/oiexport

Sinc I have only one node cluster I will use path containing shared folder:

export PATH=/opt/IBM/LotusConnections/data/shared/search/stellent/dcs/oiexport:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/opt/IBM/LotusConnections/data/shared/search/stellent/dcs/oiexport

So I edited /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ and added this two lines on the end of the file. I stopped websphere/connections and servers OS too.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How to change notification e-mail sender address - IBM Connections

How to change notification e-mail sender address - IBM Connections

You must export notification-config.xml file and edit email information in it and import file in to configuration again.
  • [root@ic bin]# cd ../profiles/Dmgr01/bin/
  • [root@ic bin]# ./ -lang jython
  • wsadmin>execfile("")
    • wsadmin>LCConfigService.checkOutNotificationConfig("/root/","icCell01")
    • change email in exported xml file ans import it again
    • wsadmin>LCConfigService.checkInNotificationConfig("/root/","icCell01")
    • wsadmin>synchAllNodes()
    • wsadmin>quit

Friday, April 13, 2012

IBM Connections - Duplicate headers recivied from server error

There is bug when you using Chrome and try to download any file from IBM Connections 3.0.1:

Browser error:
Duplicate headers recivied from server

Problem is in not valid (RFC) header, which including a ","  but there should be a ";" 

Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment, filename=\"" + filename + "\"");
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + filename + "\"");

Fast solution is to put directive command in to Apache/IHS httpd.conf file:

Header edit Content-Disposition ^(.*)creation-date=(.*);\smodification-date=(.*);$ "$1creation-date=\"$2\"; modification-date=\"$3\";"

Or install IBM Connections 3.0.1 FixPack 1

IBM Connections 3.0.1 and iPad/iPhone native application

Hi there,

After I installed IBM Lotus Connections, I tried to install  native application for iPad - IBM Connections 3.1.1. The installation was easy, I fill my connection server hostname, my user name and password, after this I got an error:

The URL <hostname> is not a valid IBM Connections Mobile server.

I sent a logs file from my iPad (click on Info icon under the login form and click Send Logs) You will get it by email.

In log I found root problem:
"Received response. HTTP response http://<hostname>/homepage/Configuration Status: 404 (not found)"

And the solution is:
install this FixPack and Interim Fix

refresh pack: (12.28 MB)

  1. Stop a cluster from WAS integrated solition console or from a command line
  2. [root@ic updateInstaller]# cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/
  3. [root@ic bin]# . ./
  4. [root@ic bin]# cd /opt/IBM/LotusConnections/
  5. [root@ic LotusConnections]# mv updateInstaller/ updateInstaller-old/
  6. [root@ic LotusConnections]# mv /opt/install/FIX/ .
  7. [root@ic LotusConnections]# unzip
  8. [root@ic LotusConnections]# cd updateInstaller/
  9. [root@ic updateInstaller]# cd fixes/
  10. [root@ic fixes]# mv /opt/install/FIX/ .
  11. [root@ic fixes]# unzip
  12. [root@ic /]# cd /opt/install/FIX/updateInstaller/
  13. [root@ic updateInstaller]# chmod +x update*
  14. [root@ic updateInstaller]#./
  15. Select option: Install Updates > click NEXT > select our fix > click NEXT > enter administrator user name and password > and continue to install it.
  16. After resynchronize all nodes and the start cluster

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

IBM Connections 3.0.1 on RHEL - how to install - 9. Post-Installation Tasks

Post-Installation Tasks

Finally, we have installed IBM Lotus Connections product, but there are some more important post installation steps! Lets go to finish them!

  1. Configure HTTP server
    1. Open and log in as wasadmin
    2. [root@ic bin]# cd /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/
    3. start Administration server: [root@ic bin]# ./adminctl start
    4. Create new node to manage http server with dmgr server ... navigate to System administration > Nodes > click Add Node 
      1. select  Unmanaged node click NEXT
      2. Name: webserver1node
      3. HostName: <FQDN>
      4. Platform Type: Linux > OK > SAVE
    5. Go to create a new WebServer definition ... navigate to Servers > Server Types > Web servers > and click New
      1. Select node: webserver1node
      2. Server name: webserver1
      3. Type: IBM HTTP Server
      4. Click NEXT > NEXT
      5. Port: 80
      6. Web server installation root: /opt/IBM/HTTPServer
      7. Plug-in installation root: /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/Plugins
      8. Administration Server Port: 8008
      9. Username: ihsadmin
      10. Password: <yourpass>
      11. Confirm password:  <yourpass>
      12. Click NEXT
      13. Click FINISH ans SAVE
    6. Check webserver1 checkbox and click Start button - it should start the server. If not you can reset password:
      1. Switch to the HTTPServer_installdir/bin directory on your machine.
      2. Type the following command:
      3. ./htpasswd -b ../conf/admin.passwd user password
      4. where user and password are the user ID and password that you want to have administrative authority for IBM HTTP Server. 
    7. Resynchronize all nodes.
    8. Generate plug-in configuration file ... navigate again to the webservers (same as step 5).
      1. Select webserver1 and click Generate Plug-in and them click Propagate Plug-in
      2. Note: Make sure, you will see in a Message dialog box same path to plugin-cfg.xml as is in IHS httpd.conf (last line of the file) file saved in /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf 
      3. Restart webserver
    9. Navigate to Servers > Web servers > webserver1 > Plug-in properties and click Copy to Web server key store directory
    10. Setup HTTP over SSL with self signed certificate
      1. [root@ic ~]# cd /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/
      2. [root@ic ~]# mkdir  keyfiles
      3. [root@ic ~]# cd bin
      4. [root@ic bin]# ./ikeyman
      5. In IBM Key Management click New
        1. Key database type: CMS
        2. File Name: webserver-key.kdb
        3. Location: /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/keyfiles
        4. Click OK
        5. Enter your password and select Stash password to a file
        6. Click OK
      6. In IBM Key Management click Create a new self-signed certificate
        1. Key Label: LC Self Signed
        2. Version: X509 V3
        3. Key Size: 1024
        4. Signature Algorithm: SHA1WithRSA
        5. Other options are optional (set them as you wish) 
        6. Click OK and close ikeyman
      7. Stop HTTP server and edit httpd.conf file
        1. [root@ic bin]# cd ../conf/
        2. backup file: [root@ic conf]# cp httpd.conf httpd.conf.bak
        3. Edit file and add following lines to the bottom of the file:
          LoadModule ibm_ssl_module modules/
          <IfModule mod_ibm_ssl.c>
            <VirtualHost *:443>
          Keyfile "/opt/IBM/HTTPServer/keyfiles/webserver-key.kdb"
          SSLStashFile "/opt/IBM/HTTPServer/keyfiles/webserver-key.sth"
        4. start HTTP server and test https url on port 80
          1. [root@ic conf]# ../bin/apachectl -k start
          2. Open browser and go to https://<yourhostname>
          3. You should get info about certificate - it is not a trusted certificate (because it is self-signed certificate)
      8. Add our cert among trusted ones in WAS Trust Store
        1. Navigate in Security > SSL Certificate and Key Management > Key stores and certificates
        2. Click on link  CellDefaultTrustStore
        3. Click on link Signer certificates
        4. Click Retrieve from port
          1. Host: <IHS hostname>
          2. Port: 443
          3. Alias: webserver-ssl
          4. And click Retrieve signer information
          5. Check if it is correct
          6. OK > SAVE
    11. Update Connections URL to use SSL
      1. [root@ic conf]# cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin/
      2. [root@ic bin]# ./ -lang jython
      3. wsadmin> execfile("../config/bin_lc_admin/")
      4. wsadmin> LCConfigService.checkOutConfig("/root/","icCell01")
        • Note: Make sure that you have correct cell name in command
      5. Edit exported file and delete all occurrences of port in href or ssl_href
        1. I deleted all occurrences of  :9081 and :9444 in the file.
      6. Run wsadmin> LCConfigService.checkInConfig()
      7. Run wsadmin> synchAllNodes()
    12. You no what? You are done! Congratulations!  now you can take a look in to documentation how to tuneup your Connections

Friday, April 6, 2012

IBM Connections 3.0.1 on RHEL - how to install - 8. Install Connections

Create IBM Connections DBs

Here we will prepare DB and populate profiles from LDAP
You will need:
  • CZVR1ML  IBM Connections 3.0.1 wizards for Linux x86
  • CZVQ0ML IBM Connections 3.0.1 for Linux x86
  • CZVQ0ML  IBM_Connections301_LinAIX_CZVQ0ML.tar
  1. On database server save these package
    1. Create folder: [root@icdb ~]# cd /opt/install/
    2. [root@icdb install]# mkdir LCWizards
    3. [root@icdb install]# cd /opt/install/LCWizards
    4. [root@icdb LCWizards ]# tar xvf IBM_Connection301_Wzd_zLinux_CZVR1ML.tar
  2. Log-in as db2inst1 (in to graphic xserver)
    1. [root@db2inst1 ~]# cd /opt/install/LCWizards/Wizards/
    2. [root@db2inst1 ~]# ./
      1. Wizard is open click NEXT > select Create click NEXT
      2. in Default installation location: /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7
      3. in database instance: db2inst1 > NEXT
      4. Select all > NEXT > CREATE > EXECUTE
      5. All DBs should finished without no errors, is there any error, try to run the wizard again and select only DB where your error occurred. Note: In my installation I had some error during Bookmarks db creation, so I run wizard again only for Bookmarks DB with success.
  3. We will populate Lotus Connections Profiles from the Domino LDAP directory in next steps:
    1. As root user, go to 
    2. [root@icdb ~]# /opt/install/LCWizards/Wizards
    3. [root@icdb  Wizards]#./
    4. Profile population wizard is launched
      1. Click NEXT
      2. Select DB2 Universal Database(TM)
      3. In Profiles database properties set
        1. Host name:  - it is hostname of your db server
        2. Port: 50000
        3. Database name: PEOPLEDB
        4. JDBC driver library path: /home/db2inst1/sqllib/java
        5. User ID: db2inst1
        6. Password: <db2inst1 password>
        7. Click NEXT
      4. In LDAP server connection
        1. LDAP server name: <your ldap hostname>
        2. LDAP server port: 389
        3. Do not check Use SSL communication if it is not configured on LDAP
        4. Click NEXT
      5. LDAP autentication propertise
        1. Bind distinguished name (DN): bind user  / do not put name in format CN=<name>,O=<org>,C=<country>
        2. Enter bind password
        3. Click NEXT
      6. In Base distinguished name and filter for search  enter:
        1. LDAP user search base: c<yourcompany>,o=cz
        2. LDAP user search base: (&(uid=*)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson))
        3. Click NEXT
      7. In Profile database mapping leave all in default, or change mapping as you need. Click NEXT
      8. In Optional database tasks  leave all in default, or change as you need.
        1. select Yes to run the task
        2. Click NEXT 
      9. Click CONFIGURE
      10. Summary could contain some errors ... to determinate what is going on see logs in /opt/install/LCWizards/Wizards/TDIPopulation/TDISOL/linux/logs/PopulateDBFromDNFile.log  or in ibmdi.log

In my case, I had 23 success, 116 duplicate records  (because I run it again - so db table already had users 116 entries), and there is  one failure record (after some investigation, I found there is a wrong value in my Domino filed named "Office Number"). 

I had this in my PopulateDBFromDNFile.log :

CLFRN0209W: WARNING: Validation failed for field officeName. Value is BlablalaSomethingLongerThan32Characters
WARNING: Validation failed for entry CN=Tomas Marny,ou=kotelna,o=ys,c=cz

The value is longer then created column for  officeName  in DB2 ... PROF_PHYSICAL_DELIVERY_OFFICE   is   VARCHAR   with Length 32

To show database description run as db2inst1 this command
  • [root@db2inst1 ~]# db2
  • db2 => connect to database peopledb
  • db2 => describe table empinst.employee

Install IBM Lotus Connections

You should have done: 
  • Installed and fixed DB2 server v9.7.0.2
  • Installed TDI
  • Installed WAS 7.0 with FP 19 and IHS and plugin too 
  • WAS is configured with LDAP (federated repositories)
  • Configured DB2 
  • You must have already populated LDAP profiles to DB2 database
  • It is good idea to make a backup of servers
  • Now we will install Lotus Connections
  1. Start dmgr and node agent
  2. login to application server as root and 
    1. [root@ic ~]# /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/bin/ 
    2. [root@ic ~]# /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/bin/
  3. Try to ping your db server ... if you are unable to resolve db server hostname, add in to /etc/hosts a new line <ip od db server> <FQND> <hostname> and save file. Try again.
  4. Copy JDBC drivers from db server to application server
    1. [root@ic ~]# cd /opt/IBM/
    2. [root@ic ~]# mkdir JDBC
    3. [root@ic IBM]# cd JDBC/
    4. [root@ic JDBC]# scp -r root@* .
  5. Start Connection installer
    1. On application server unpack installer package 
    2. [root@ic CONN]# tar xvf IBM_Connections301_LinAIX_CZVQ0ML.tar
    3. [root@ic CONN]# cd Lotus_Connections_Install/
    4. [root@ic Lotus_Connections_Install]# ./
    5. In launchpad click Install Lotus Connection 3.0.1
      1. Click Launch the Lotus Connection 3.0.1 install wizard
      2. Ensure that Lotus Connection and  Installation Manager are selected
      3. Click NEXT and click agree license > NEXT
      4. Leave Install Packages in default (/opt/IBM/...) click NEXT > click NEXT
      5. Install all Features click NEXT
      6. Websphere applicatiopn server configuration 
        • Click Browse and  select /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/
        • Select Dmgr01
        • Enter hostname of application server 
        • Enter Administrator user ID: wasadmin
        • Enter Administrator password: <your password>
        • SOAP port number: 8879
        • Click Validate > in Validation successful dialog Click OK
        • Click NEXT
      7. Topology Configuration
        1. Select SmallDeployment - for production it is recommended to use Medium or Large Deployment
        2. Write in to select list Cluster Name: LCCluster
        3. In Node selection Select your node
        4. Click NEXT
      8. Database Configuration
        1. Enter Database server hostname: <your db host name>
        2. Port: 50000
        3. Specify JDBC Driver to folder from previous step 4 (/opt/IBM/JDBC)
        4. Specify users and  passwords for all DBs (we used db2inst1 user)
        5. Click Validate > in Validation successful dialog Click OK
        6. Click NEXT
      9. Content Store Configuration
        1. Leave in defaults and click Validate
      10. Notification configurations
        1. We will used our Domino as SMTP server too. Configure your SMTP and click NEXT
      11. See summary and click INSTALL
        1. You can watch detailed log:  /opt/IBM/LotusConnections/logs/
        2. After about 30-60 min it should finished vith success and click FINISH
  6. Go to
    1. Navigate to  System administration > Nodes > check icNode01 and click Full Resynchronize
      1. to watch status  
      2. [root@ic bin]# tail -f /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/logs/nodeagent/SystemOut.log
  7. Restart DMGR
    1. [root@ic bin]# /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/bin/
    2. [root@ic bin]# /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/
    3. [root@ic bin]# /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/
    4. [root@ic bin]# /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/bin/
Next post is about important post-installation tasks

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

IBM Connections 3.0.1 on RHEL - how to install - 7. Connect Domino LDAP

In our infrastructure, we already have Domino server installed, so here I am going to show how to configure Federated Repository (add Domino LDAP).

What you will need:

  • You must know FQND or IP of your Domino server
  • LDAP port 389 as standard
  • If your LDAP need to authenticate to reed content, you mast know some account DN and password - this will be used as bind user to bind in to LDAP
  • You should have installed WAS (see previous posts)
  1. Show status of dmgr server 
    1. [root@ic bin]# cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/
  2. [root@ic bin]# ./ -all -user wasadmin -password Pass4conn
  3. If it is not started already, run: 
    1. [root@ic bin]# cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/
  4. Backup your  wimconfig.xml file before doing any changes in the federated repository configuration
    1. [root@ic bin]# cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/icCell01/wim/config/
    2. [root@ic config]# cp wimconfig.xml wimconfig.xml.bak
  5. Open web browser and go to  http://<hostname>:9060/admin  
  6. Login with administrator account wasadmin and your password
    1. go to Security > Global security  and in User account repository click Configure... button
    2. In Repositories in the realm table click Add Base entry to Realm...
    3. Click Add Repository and fill
      1. Repository identifier (enter MyLDAP)
      2. Select Directory type: IBM Lotus Domino
      3. Enter Primary host name of your domino server
      4. If you need bind enter bind and password
      5. In Login properties you can add more options to login, I added email so there is uid;mail in the field
      6. Click OK  and enter in to field with label:  Specifies the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) distinguished name (DN) that uniquely identifies this set of entries in the realm root of your Domino LDAP ... I have o=ys,c=cz
      7. Click OK and SAVE
    4. Restart dmgr server:
      1. [root@ic bin]# /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ -user wasadmin -password Pass4conn
      2. [root@ic bin]# /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ -user wasadmin -password Pass4conn
    5. Login again in to web Integrated Solutions Console
      1. Navigate in to Users and Groups > Manage Users
      2. Click on Search button. If the expected set of users is returned then LDAP is configured correctly! Make the same for groups and be sure that members of groups are correct.
    6. Setup SSO
      1. Go to Security > Global security in Authentication expand Web and SIP security and click Single sign-on (SSO)
      2. enter ... so .<domain>.com  It must start with a dot and continue with domain
      3. Check  Interoperability Mode
      4. OK and SAVE
      5. Go to Security Global security and click on Enable application security 
      6. OK and SAVE
    7. Sync nodes
      1. [root@ic bin]# cd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/bin
      2. [root@ic bin]# ./ 8879 -username wasadmin -password <your password>
Ok now we will go to Populate Profiles from the LDAP into DB2 tables.

IBM Connections 3.0.1 on RHEL - how to install - 6. Fix WAS, IHS and Plug-in

Because IBM Connections needs to have specific WebSphere Application Server fix pack level (5 or 19), (as you can see in supported HW and SW document) we will install them in this post.

You will need following FixPacks

  1. Create new dir on your application server
    1. [root@ic install]# mkdir WASFix/
    2. Download all FPs running command for each:
    3. [root@ic WASFix]# wget <url from above list>
    4. After you will get all FPs, you shold see
    5. [root@ic WASFix]# ls -al
      drwxr-xr-x 2 root root      4096 Apr  3 17:53 .
      drwxr-xr-x 7 root root      4096 Apr  3 17:38 ..
      -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 110619051 Apr  3 17:57
      -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  26391437 Apr  3 17:44 7.0.0-WS-IHS-LinuxX64-FP0000019.pak
      -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  43223029 Apr  3 17:48 7.0.0-WS-PLG-LinuxX64-FP0000019.pak
      -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 701712259 Apr  3 18:52 7.0.0-WS-WAS-LinuxX64-FP0000019.pak
      -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  88257374 Apr  3 17:54 7.0.0-WS-WASSDK-LinuxX64-FP0000019.pak total 948444

    6. Make sure, all app servers are shouldtown
      1. To stop DMGR run:
      2. [root@ic WASFix]#  /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/ -user wasadmin -password <your password>
      3. Make a new folder UPDI under the WASFix folder for extracting the Updateinstaller, and extract it:
      4. [root@ic UPDI]# tar xvfz
      5. [root@ic UPDI]# cd UpdateInstaller
      6. [root@ic UPDI]# ./install
        1. Installation wizard is opend, click NEXT
        2. Accept license and click NEXT
        3. System prerequisites check should Passed > NEXT
        4. Leave direcotry path in default (/opt/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller) > NEXT > NEXT to install
        5. After Installation Complete with status Success > Click FINISH
        6. The UpdateInstaller will be launched
      7. [root@ic UPDI]# mkdir /opt/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/maintenence
      8. [root@ic UPDI]# cd ..
      9. [root@ic WASFix]# mv 7.0.0-WS-* /opt/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/maintenance/
      10. Go back in to launched UpdateInstaller click NEXT
      11. In Product Selection Select AppServer (opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer) and click NEXT
      12. Select Install maintenence package and click NEXT
      13. In Maintenence Package Directory Selection leave default (it should be  /opt/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller/maintenance/) click NEXT 
      14. WASSDK and WAS package should be preselected, click NEXT
      15. Do not select Verify my permissions and click NEXT, after a few minutes, our installation should finished with Success status:
      16. Click RELAUNCH and install fixpacks for IHS and Plug-in - go over 11. to 15 but select in 11. IHS and then Plug-in. 
Actually I was little confused when I tried to install IHS and Plug-in fixpacks. First there is a mistake in IBM Connections 3.0.1 download document. Part Numbers are wrong for 64bit versions of Supplemental packages. Anyway I download the correct ones ... 64bit WAS Supplemental 1 and 2 are C1G36ML and  C1G37ML and not C1G33ML and C1G34MLBut after I installed IHS from 64bit package, command for determining installed version show 32bit again! You can run it as /opt/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/
I am afraid there is mistake in, because I successfully installed WASJDK, IHS and Plugin FixPack 19 x64 over this IHS and Plug-in also.
We've now finished the “pre-requisite” software install part - all the foundational software we need for Connections is now in place.

Go to next post to configure federated repository with Domino LDAP.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

IBM Connections 3.0.1 on RHEL - how to install - 5. Tivoli Directory Integrator

A content of this post is about installing Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.0 which will be used in IBM Connections instalation.

You will need:
installation packages
and already installed RHEL 5.4 server with graphic environment.

Documentation TDI 7.0

Server FQDN:

TDI installation + FixPack 5 installation

  1. Log in as root and create TDI folder for installation package
    1. [root@icdb ~]# mkdir /opt/install/TDI
    2. [root@icdb ~]# chmod 777 /opt/install/TDI
    3. Download or copy  C1IF4ML.tar  in to created folder TDI
    4. [root@icdb TDI]# cd  /opt/install/TDI/
    5. [root@icdb TDI]# tar xvf C1IF4ML.tar
    6. [root@icdb TDI]# ./
      1. Launchpad window is opened 
      2. Click to Install IBM Tivoly Directory Integrator in left menu
      3. Click Tivoli Directory Integrator 7.0 installer
      4. Select your preferred language
      5. Click NEXT > NEXT > Accept license > NEXT
      6. Leave installation directory in default
      7. Select Typical installation > NEXT
      8. Select Do not specify > NEXT
      9. Leave ports in default
        • HTTP: 13100
        • HTTPS: 13101
        • Action manager API: 13104
      10. NEXT  > NEXT >
      11. Summary will appear > INSTALL
      12. Uncheck Start the Configuration Editor > FINISH
  2. Apply TDI FixPack 5 - supported by IBM Lotus Connections 3.0.1
    1. [root@icdb ~]# mkdir /opt/install/TDIFix
    2. [root@icdb ~]# cd  /opt/install/TDIFix
    3. [root@icdb TDIFix]# wget
    4. [root@icdb TDIFix]# unzip
    5. [root@icdb TDIFix]# cd 7.0.0-TIV-TDI-FP0005
    6. [root@icdb 7.0.0-TIV-TDI-FP0005]# cp UpdateInstaller.jar
    7. [root@icdb 7.0.0-TIV-TDI-FP0005]# cp UpdateInstaller.jar /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.0/maintenance/
      • overwrite existing UpdateInstaller.jar
    8. [root@icdb 7.0.0-TIV-TDI-FP0005]# cd /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.0/bin/
    9. [root@icdb bin]# ./ -update /opt/install/TDIFix/7.0.0-TIV-TDI-FP0005/
    10. Check information about fixpack running command:
      • [root@icdb bin]# ./ -queryreg
Output of the command should be similar
Information from .registry file in: /opt/IBM/TDI/V7.0
Edition: Identity
License: None

Fixes Applied

Components Installed
   Deferred: false

Ta daaa ...  you are done with TDI!

Next part is here: how to install Fix WAS, IHS and Plug-in