Wednesday, April 15, 2015

WebSphere Portal - Google sitemap.xml

Sitemap XML feed could be accessed from Search sitemap portlet.

  1. Find the Search Sitemap in Portal Administration > Portlets
  2. Click configure
    1. Set EXPORT to true. 
    2. If there is no EXPORT variable, add it (key=EXPORT, value=true).
  3. Restart Portal or just the PA_Search_Center application from the WAS Integration Solution Console.
  4. Open a page with Search Sitemap, and you should see a button to download sitemap.xml.
  5. You can this use in Google Webmasters Tools as sitemap.xml feed.
  6. To find out url use browser inspector, or just see downloaded sitemap.xml url


Now you can  disable export again (EXPORT is only about frontend functionality), URL should works in both situation (EXPORT=true or EXPORT=false).

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

IBM Installation Manager v1.8.1 / RedHat CentOS 6 get JVM terminated. Exit code=1

Error  JVM terminated. Exit code=1

We are getting an error JVM terminated. Exit code=1 after few steps during installing update WebSphere Application Server


Our solution was modifiing this config Eclipse files:


and we added in to the first file following parameter :


and in to the secound file:
