Saturday, March 31, 2012

IBM Connections 3.0.1 on RHEL - how to install - 3. IBM HTTP Server and Plug-in

OK, we have installed WebSphere Application Server, so we need HTTP server to access IBM Connections page over port 80.

Install IHS and Plugin

  1. [root@ic ~]# cd /opt/install/WASSupp1
  2. [root@ic WASSupp1]# tar xvfz C1G33ML.tar.gz
  3. [root@ic WASSupp1]# cd IHS
  4. [root@ic IHS]# ./install
  5. Installation wizard is opened click 
    1. NEXT  > Accept license > NEXT 
    2. Your OS should pass compatibility check - see Passed > NEXT > 
    3. in Installation directory /opt/IBM/HTTPServer > NEXT > 
    4. in HTTP Server Administration Authentication 
      1. ihsadmin
      2. Pass4conn
    5. in Setup HTTP Server Administration Server
    6. Check all options
      1. User ID: ihsadmin
      2. Group:  ihsadmins
    7. in IBM HTTP Server Plug/in for IBM WebSphere Application Server
      1. check install plugin
      2. webServer Definition: webserver1
      3. Host name:
  6. Installation should finish with IHS and Plugin Success
In the next chapter we will install  DB2 server as db for IBM Connections.


  1. Hi there!

    I am trying to install Connections 3.0.1 at CentOs x86_64. I have some problems with grafical mode, (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no swt-pi-gtk-3477 or swt-pi-gtk in swt.library.path, java.library.path or the jar file) so I induce to silant option. I can't create default LC.rsp file for linux neither. Has anybody default LC.rsp file for linux? It is located at Lotus Connections Root directory.

  2. Did you check os required packages for WAS?
