Saturday, March 31, 2012

IBM Connections 3.0.1 on RHEL - how to install - 4. Database Server DB2

Now we will prepare our DB2 server for IBM Connections.

You will need:
installation packages

  • CZ19NEN  IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition V9.7 for Linux x86-64​
  • CZ381ML
  • v9.7fp2_linuxx64_universal_fixpack.tar.gz

and already installed RHEL 5.4 server with graphic environment.


DB2 Installation pre-requisites 

  1.  After standart installation disable SELinux and Firewall
  2. Change hostname 
    1. run command:  [root@icdb ~]# system-config-network 
    2. and change hostname to
  3. Create installation directory
    1. [root@ icdb   ~]# mkdir -p /opt/install/DB2
    2. [root@ic ~]# chmod 777 -R /opt/install/
  4. OPTIONAL - If you run in vmware infrastructure install vmware tools
    1. Mount vmware tools image and install it
    2. [root@icdb media]# mkdir -p /media/cdrom
    3. [root@icdb media]# mount /dev/hdc /media/cdrom
    4. [root@icdb install]# cd /opt/install/
    5. [root@icdb install]# tar xvzf  /media/cdrom VMwareTools-8.3.7-341836.tar.gz
    6. [root@icdb install]# cd vmware-tools-distrib/
    7. [root@icdb vmware-tools-distrib]# ./
    8. Leave all options in default during installation wizard and run  [root@ic vmware-tools-distrib]# reboot
  5. Check installed libs and rpms Try to find all listed files like in /lib  or /usr/lib/ direcotry

Install DB2 Server

  1. After download from, save tar in to /opt/install/DB2
  2. extract tar.gz file 
    1. [root@icdb media]# cd /opt/install/DB2
    2. [root@icdb media]# tar xvfz
  3.  Run install wizard (you must be in X or your putty must have in "Categorry> Connection> SSH> X11> checked Enable X11 forwarding" and you must running Xming server on your local Windows workstation)
    1. [root@icdb ese]# ./db2setup
    2. Go trough wizard as follow:
      1. Introduction > NEXT
      2. Software License Agreement > Accept > NEXT
      3. Installation type > Typical > NEXT
      4. Installation action > NEXT
      5. Installation directory > we used /opt/IBM/db2/V9.7  > NEXT
      6. SA MP > Check Do not instal SA MP > NEXT
      7. DAS user> 
        1. Username: dasusr1
        2. Group name: dasadm1
        3. Password: Pass4conn > NEXT
      8. Instance setup > Choose Create a DB2 instance > NEXT
      9. Partitioning option > Single partition instance > NEXT
      10. Instance owning user > 
        1. User name: db2inst1
        2. Group name: db2iadm1
        3. Password:  Pass4conn  > NEXT
      11. Fenced user >
        1. User name: db2fenc1
        2. Group name: db2fadm1
        3. Password:  Pass4conn > NEXT
      12. Tools catalog > Choose Prepare the DB2 tools catalog > NEXY
      13. Notification setup > Do not set up your DB2 server to send notifications at this time > NEXT
      14. Summary > Make sure, that all is ok > FINISH
    3. Setup path to root as db2inst1 has in .bashrc - to be able to run db commands as root
      1. [root@icdb ~]# less /home/db2inst1/.bashrc
      2. Copy following lines
      3. # The following three lines have been added by UDB DB2.
        if [ -f /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile ]; then
            . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile
      4. and paste it in to a /root/.bashrc
      5. [root@icdb ~]# vim /root/.bashrc
    4. Reconfigure DB2 installation
    5. Then configure TCPIP communications:
    6. Edit /etc/services (as root), add to bottom of file:
    7. db2inst1 50000/tcp
      DB2_d2binst1_2 60002/tcp
      DB2_db2inst1 60003/tcp
      DB2_db2inst1_1 60004/tcp
      DB2_db2inst1_2 60005/tcp
      DB2_db2inst1_END 60006/tcp
    8. Setup DB2 communications (as db2inst1)
      1. [root@icdb ~]# su - db2inst1
      2. [db2inst1@icdb ~]# cd ~/sqllib
      3. [db2inst1@icdb ~]# . ./db2profile
      4. [db2inst1@icdb ~]# db2 update database manager configuration using svcename db2inst1
      5. [db2inst1@icdb ~]# db2stop;db2start
      6. [db2inst1@icdb ~]# db2 get database manager configuration
      7. [db2inst1@icdb ~]# db2 db2set DB2COMM=tcpip
      8. [db2inst1@icdb ~]# db2stop;db2star
      9. [db2inst1@icdb ~]# telnet localhost 50000
      10. [db2inst1@icdb ~]# exit
    9. Also need to configure DB2 to start automatically, e.g.:
      1. Edit /etc/rc.local as root, add the following:
        DB2LOG=/tmp/startDB2.out.`date +"%y%m%d"`
        su db2inst1 -c /home/db2inst1/sqllib/adm/db2start >> $DB2LOG 2>&1

DB2 FixPack Installation

  1. Download from FixCentral
  2. Untar v9.7fp2_linuxx64_server.tar.gz
  3. [root@icdb install]# tar xvfz v9.7fp2_linuxx64_server.tar.gz
  4. To stop all DB2 processes, perform the following steps:
  5. Determine which instances are associated with the DB2 copy In our case only db2inst1. Issue the command:
    1. [root@icdb ~]# su - db2inst1
    2. [db2inst1@icdb ~]$ . $HOME/sqllib/db2profile
    3. [db2inst1@icdb ~]$ db2 force applications all
    4. [db2inst1@icdb ~]$ db2 terminate
    5. [db2inst1@icdb ~]$ db2stop
    6. [db2inst1@icdb ~]$ db2licd -end
    7. [db2inst1@icdb ~]$ exit
  6. If the DB2 Administration Server (DAS) belongs to the DB2 copy that you are updating, stop the DAS:
    1. [root@icdb ~]# su - dasusr1
    2. [dasusr1@icdb ~]$ . $HOME/das/dasprofile
    3. [dasusr1@icdb ~]$ db2admin stop
    4. [dasusr1@icdb ~]$ exit
    5. [root@icdb server]# su - db2inst1
    6. [ db2inst1@icdb ~]# $HOME/sqllib/bin/ipclean
    7. [ db2inst1@icdb ~]# exit
  7. Run fix pack installation
    1. [root@icdb ~]# cd /opt/install/DB2Fix/universal
    2. [root@icdb  universal]# ./installFixPack -b /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7/
    3. Make sure, that installation finished with success and without any errors
    4. Note: If you will need to install an ealrier fix pack over currently installed (and higher) use -f level parameter to force db level check. So, go to step 5. and 6. again and then run ./installFixPack -f level -b /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7

License your DB2 

  1. Use IBM Passport Advantage web site to get license key or if you install it from a DVD media, you can find it on.
  2. Find package by Part Number CZ381ML.
  3. Download the part and extract the file in to folder  /opt/install/DB2lic/
  4. Log into DB2 using an db2inst1 admin.
  5. Open a command prompt, change to the directory where the license file is stored, and run the following command:
    • [db2inst1@icdb ~]$ db2licm -a /opt/install/DB2lic/ese_o/db2/license/db2ese_o.lic
  6. Verify that the license is registered by running the following command:
    • [db2inst1@icdb ~]$ db2licm -l 
    • If the license is correctly registered, the details of your DB2 installation are displayed.
  7. Restart DB2.

Setup DB2 instance to run after reboot

  • First you need to configure fault monitor to start during system (os) start:
  • [root@icdb ~]# db2fmcu -u -p /opt/IBM/db2/bin/db2fmcd
  • Now you can enable FMC to automatically start the instance when the system is booted. To enable this feature for instance DB2INST1, type the following command:
  • [db2inst1@icdb ~]$ db2iauto -on db2inst1
  • Try to reboot your server and check if db instance is runningYou can use telnet to localhost on port 50000 or ps -ax | grep db2

In the next chapter we will install TDI on this server

IBM Connections 3.0.1 on RHEL - how to install - 3. IBM HTTP Server and Plug-in

OK, we have installed WebSphere Application Server, so we need HTTP server to access IBM Connections page over port 80.

Install IHS and Plugin

  1. [root@ic ~]# cd /opt/install/WASSupp1
  2. [root@ic WASSupp1]# tar xvfz C1G33ML.tar.gz
  3. [root@ic WASSupp1]# cd IHS
  4. [root@ic IHS]# ./install
  5. Installation wizard is opened click 
    1. NEXT  > Accept license > NEXT 
    2. Your OS should pass compatibility check - see Passed > NEXT > 
    3. in Installation directory /opt/IBM/HTTPServer > NEXT > 
    4. in HTTP Server Administration Authentication 
      1. ihsadmin
      2. Pass4conn
    5. in Setup HTTP Server Administration Server
    6. Check all options
      1. User ID: ihsadmin
      2. Group:  ihsadmins
    7. in IBM HTTP Server Plug/in for IBM WebSphere Application Server
      1. check install plugin
      2. webServer Definition: webserver1
      3. Host name:
  6. Installation should finish with IHS and Plugin Success
In the next chapter we will install  DB2 server as db for IBM Connections.

IBM Connections 3.0.1 on RHEL - how to install - 2. Application Server

In this post I will demonstrate how to prepare a server for running WebSphere Application server as base runtime for IBM Connections.

You will need:
installation packages:
  • C1G35ML.tar.gz  WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment V7.0 for Linux on x86-64 bit
  • C1G33ML.tar.gz WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Supplements V7.0 for Linux on x86-64 bit (1 of 2)​
  • C1G34ML.tar.gz WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Supplements V7.0 for Linux on x86-64 bit (2 of 2)​
Oupsss!!!  I just tried to install FixPack 19 for IHS and Plugin and an UpdateInstaller is unable to install FP19 for 64bit - wrong architecture is in a log! when I run /opt/IBM/IBMHTTPSrv/bin/ and it returned me it is 32 bit version ... but in download document they have 64bit.   After small investigation I found, there is mistake in download document! 
64bit WAS Supplemental 1 and 2 are C1G36ML and  C1G37ML and not C1G33ML and C1G34ML
I sent a feedback to IBM so it should be correct soon.
and already installed RHEL 5.4 server with graphic environment.

WAS Installation pre-requisites 

  1. After standard OS installation check hostname if you can ping by FQDN.
  2. Disable SELinux and Firewall!
  3. [root@ic ~]#ping   - should works
  4. Edit hosts table
    1. [root@ic ~]#vim /etc/hosts
    2. Add line ic
  5. Check umask R
    1. run command: umask
    2. if there is 0022 it is OK, else run command: umask 022
  6. Set the ulimit on your Linux command shells by adding the command to your shell profile script. The shell profile script is usually found under your home directory:
    1. [root@ic ~]# cd ~
    2. [root@ic ~]# vim .bashrc
    3. Enter line: ulimit -n 20480 
    4. Lets save and exit file, and set ulimit to current session too. Run command: 
    5. [root@ic ~]#ulimit -n 20480
    6. You can now check values by command: 
    7. [root@ic ~]# ulimit -a
      core file size (blocks, -c) 0
      data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited
      scheduling priority (-e) 0
      file size (blocks, -f) unlimited
      pending signals (-i) 40960
      max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 32
      max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
      open files (-n) 20480
      pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8
      POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
      real-time priority (-r) 0
      stack size (kbytes, -s) 10240
      cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited
      max user processes (-u) 40960
      virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited
      file locks (-x) unlimited
  7. Create installation directory under opt directory
    1. [root@ic ~]# mkdir -p /opt/install/WAS
    2. [root@ic ~]# mkdir /opt/install/WASSupp1
    3. [root@ic ~]# mkdir /opt/install /WASSupp2
    4. [root@ic ~]# chmod 777 /opt/install/
  8. OPTIONAL - If you run in vmware infrastructure install vmware tools
    1. Mount vmware tools image and install it
    2. [root@ic media]# mkdir -p /media/cdrom
      [root@ic media]# mount /dev/hdc /media/cdrom
      [root@ic install]# cd /opt/install/
      [root@ic install]# tar xvzf  /media/cdrom VMwareTools-8.3.7-341836.tar.gz
      [root@ic install]# cd vmware-tools-distrib/
      [root@ic vmware-tools-distrib]# ./
  9. Leave all options in default during installation wizard and run  [root@ic vmware-tools-distrib]# reboot
  10. Install all required rpms from installation DVD or other source. See Preparing Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 for installation
  11. OPTIONAL - Configure yum to use DVD as a source of packages
    1. [root@ic ~]#  mkdir -p /media/cdrom
    2. [root@ic ~]#  mkdir -p /opt/RHELrepo
    3. [root@ic ~]#  chmod 777 -R /opt/RHELrepo
    4. [root@ic ~]#  cd /media/cdrom/Server
    5. [root@ic Server]#  rpm -ihv createrepo-0.4.4-2.fc6.noarch.rpm
    6. [root@ic RHELrepo]  cd /opt/RHELrepo
    7. [root@ic RHELrepo]  createrepo -vpo /opt/RHELrepo /media/cdrom/Server
    8. [root@ic RHELrepo]  ln -s /media/cdrom/Server Server
    9. Then create a file /etc/yum.repos.d/DVD.repo with the following content:
    10. [dvd]
      name=RHEL4 DVD
    11. run
    12. [root@ic RHELrepo]  yum clean all
    13. [root@ic RHELrepo]  yum update
    14. and you are done, you can use yum to install required rpms without manual solving of dependencies.

WebSphere Application Server 7 installation

  1. Untar WAS installation package and run installer in graphic mode
    1. [root@ic ~]# cd /opt/install/WAS
    2. [root@ic ~]# tar xvfz C1G35ML.tar.gz
    3. [root@ic ~]# ./
  2. Previous step will open Launchpad in browser window (your terminal must support X). Click on "Launch the installation wizard of WebSphere Application Server network Deployment".
    1. Click NEXT, Accept License > NEXT > NEXT > NEXT >
    2. in Product Installation location set /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer > NEXT
    3. in WebSphere Application Server Environments select Cell option > NEXT
    4. in Enable Administrativ Security set
      1. User name: wasadmin
      2. User name: Pass4conn  > NEXT
    5. > NEXT
    6. in Installation Summary > NEXT
    7. Installation must finish with Success! > FINISH
    8. No you have installed WAS! 
In the next chapter we will install IHS and WebSphere Application Server Plug-in.

IBM Connections 3.0.1 on RHEL - how to install - 1.Overview

Hi all,
This post is about installing a social document sharing software - IBM Connections in version 3.0.1 running on RedHat Enterprise Linux v5.


I will install all on 2 servers with 4GB RAM  each. These servers are running in ESXi.
  1. Server will contain an application server with IBM Connections.
  2. Server will be used as DB2 server.
  3. I will connect Connections with already installed Domino server (LDAP)

Important sources

IBM Connections 3.0.1 documentation

Download document

Connections 3.0.1 System Requirements

Detailed system requirements for IBM Connections

DB2 Documentation

TDI 7.0 Documentation

In the next chapter I will show how to prepare our Application Server (WAS) and our Database Server (DB2) as a pre-requisites for IBM Connections installation.